Women earn 5% to 28% less than men (of same post and position) but are still considered as better investors. It’s hard to argue the fact...
Technology-enabled insurance program launched by the Kenyan government which uses satellites to trigger assistance for feed or water. The Kenyan government has partnered with Kenyan...
20% of the German population hold 74% of liquid assets while 22% individuals choose traditional investments over liquid assets. Germany’s economy looks set to continue its robust,...
With the economy crises, 39% of asian millennials find healthcare extremely expensive during retirement and a majority of them carry debt into their after-retirement life. A...
After years of sitting on the fence, HSBC is now reportedly interested in expanding its Wealth and Asset management operations in Asia. As the Asian middle...
The bid for the London Stock Exchange – Deutsche Boerse headquarters to be moved to Frankfurt has been revisited, this time by the finance minister of...
After having served seventeen years in office, non-executive chairman Alastair Lyons is to stepdown from his role atop of Admiral. Having helped the company through a...
Pension fund returns for Lithuania’s voluntary second pillar schemes yielded higher returns in 2016 than they did in 2015 according to the Bank of Lithuania, the...
Global hedge funds had a good year in 2016, though some strategies fared considerably better than others. According to reports released by the Hedge Fund Research...
There was a sudden uptick in bond purchases this week, coming in at the highest level in the past three months. Despite the surge, Bank of...