Sampath Bank of Sri Lanka surpasses Rs5 bln in post-tax profit
Sampath Bank furthermore expanded its growing momentum in the 2nd quarter of the year and reported a post-tax profit of Rs 5.7 Bn for the six months ended 30th June 2017.
This registered an impressive 35.1% YoY growth in comparison to the Profit After Tax (PAT) of Rs4.2Bn recorded for the six months ended 30th June 2016. Profit Before Tax (PBT) too grew by 36.6% YoY and reached Rs 7.8Bn by 30th June 2017.
The Sampath Group, which comprises of Sampath Bank and four fully owned subsidiary companies, also posted a growth of 36.8% and 35.0% at PBT and PAT levels respectively.
Fund Based Income (FBI)
Net Interest Income (NII), which is the main source of income representing almost 70% of the total operating income of the Bank, recorded an increase of Rs 3.0 Bn (29.0%) during the period under review. Accordingly, the Bank recordedRs 13.1Bn as NII for the 1st half of 2017, as against Rs 10.2Bn recorded for the corresponding period in 2016.
The above achievement was made possible due to the robust growth recorded in the Bank’s fund base, as indicated by 11% (annualized 22%) growth in deposits and 12%(annualized 24%) growth in advances.The timely re-pricing of asset and liability products and other fund management strategies adopted by the Bank too played a pivotal role in achieving the 29% growth in NII.
Non Fund Based Income (NFBI)
Net fee and commission income, which largely comprises of credit, trade, card and electronic channel related fees increased to Rs3.8Bn during the period under review, as opposed to Rs 3.0Bn recorded during the corresponding period in 2016. This income source too has posted an impressive YoY growth of 26.3% largely due tothe robust growth recorded in advances, expansion of credit card operations and the successful launching of innovative value additions through electronic channel offerings.
The Bank’s other operating income, net trading income and gains from financial investments too recorded an increase of 43%during the period under review.Increase in realized exchange income and dividend income from financial assets have contributed to the saidincrease in other operating income. Consequently, other operating income for the 1st half of 2017 stood at Rs 2.0 Bn, as opposed to Rs1.4Bn reported during the corresponding period in 2016.
Operating Expenses
Operating expenses of the Bank which stood at Rs7.2Bn during the 1st half of 2016, increased to Rs 7.9 Bn during the period under review, reflecting an YoY increase of 9.5%. This increase was mainly due to increase in personnel expenses triggered by annual salary increments.Other overhead expenses too increased due to general price hikes and indirect tax increases. However, the Cost to Income ratio excluding VAT & NBT on financial services improved to 41.6% in the first half of the year from 49.3% reported in the same period in 2016. This records an improvement of 770 basis points,which is a significant achievement particularly in view of Sampath Bank having one of the youngest branch networks compared to its closest competitors.
Impairment Charges on Loans and Receivables
Impairment charges amounting to Rs1.35Bn recorded for the first half of 2017 showed an increase of Rs 794 Mn over the comparative period’s charge of Rs 561 Mn. Impairment provision of already impaired individually significant customers was further increased during the first half of 2017 after considering the current status of the recovery process. Consequently, impairment charge on account of individually significant loans increased by 39% during the period under review. On the other hand, collective impairment charge increased by Rs 545 Mn predominantly due to the growth in the loan portfolio. Marginal increase in NPA ratio from 1.61% in December 2016 to 1.77% in June 2017 too has contributed to the above increase in collective impairment. However, the Bank’s NPA is still the lowest among industry peers and stands well below its closest competitors. This provides an indication of the quality of the loan book and the unique and efficient recovery measures implemented by the Bank.
Business Growth
Sampath Bank’s total asset base surpassed Rs 700 Bn mark in 2017. Asset base grew by 10.1% (annualized 20.2%) during the first half of 2017 to reach Rs 725.3 Bn against Rs 658.5 Bn reported as at 31st December 2016.Gross loans and receivables grew by 12% (annualized 24%) during the period and moved up to Rs 524.6 Bn (up by Rs 56 Bn) as at 30th June 2017. Total deposit base too increased by Rs 57.7Bn, recording a growth of 11% (annualized 22%) during this period and stood at Rs 574.0 Bn as at the reporting date. However, the CASA ratio (36.3%) decreased slightly compared to 31st December 2016 (38.4%).
Performance Ratios
ROE (after tax) marginally increased from 23.47% as at 31stDecember 2016 to 24.29% as at 30th June 2017. ROA (before tax) too has increasedto 2.27% from 2.14% as at 31st December 2016. The Basic Earnings PerShare for the firsthalf of 2017 has improved significantly and stood at Rs30.64as against Rs 22.68recorded during the corresponding period in the previous year. This was an impressive YoY growth of 35.1%. Statutory Liquid Asset Ratio (SLAR) as at 30th June 2017stood at 22.40% which is well above the mandatory requirement of 20%.
Capital Adequacy
The Core Capital (Tier I) and Total Capital (Tier I + Tier II) Adequacy ratios which stood at 8.31% and 12.87% respectively as at 31st December 2016 have shown a marginal drop during the period, mainly due to increase in risk weighted assets triggered by growth in the advances portfolio. Decrease in capital due to payment of cash dividends for the year ended 31st December 2016 toocontributed to the drop in capital adequacy ratios of the Bank. Accordingly, Core Capital and Total Capital Adequacy ratios as at 30th June 2017 stood at 8.21% and 12.17% respectively. Despite the slight drop, both ratios were maintained well above the minimum regulatory requirement of 5% and 10% for Core Capital and Total Capital respectively.